Thursday, July 28, 2011


after a long flight to tokyo and a sleep filled flight to singapore...we made it. we got to the hostal around four am and went out to get a bite and a beer...there were still plenty of people out and it was a good first night. fast forward to thursday and we just had some killer noodles and hand made dumplings...brian is in noodle bliss. we are heading out now to walk around this massive sauna they call singapore.

1 comment:

  1. That soo sick man..This is gunna be my Bible for traveling.Get the experiences right from the mouth of the travelers..this is way too cool guys.Brian...Ur the man.And u prolly havent heard but im moving to Florida.No more crate...Im startin to move towards the adventures and explorations im trying to go on.SO had to make a change in order to continue my progression.Anyway keep up with this blog.This is sweet.
